Saturday, December 24, 2016

So This Is Christmas

So this is Christmas and what have you done
Another year over, a new one just begun....John Lennon

The verse John sang so many years ago is timeless. I like to think everyone is always reflecting.  I realize they are not.  Being an introvert, I'm reflecting endlessly.  It doesn't make me better than those who don't, let alone perfect.  I only hope it makes me a better human.

So here we are.  Another year over.  What are you going to do in the year to come?  Given my line of work, I know there is much ugliness out there. With that, let me challenge you.  Do your part to stem the flow of ugliness.  It starts with positive thoughts.  Cheesy as it may sound, let me break it down for you into two simple things:

  • Smile and look into eyes of those you interact with
  • Be forgiving

Your life is blessed many ways.  You just don't realize it.  Or maybe you do.  I only hope. 

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